Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I tryout for a team?
You can reach us at to inquire about a tryout.
You can also go to your age group in our Programs tab and reach out to the coach of the age group directly.
Q: Where do your teams practice?
Dos Escuelas Park
Aventura Park
Vegas Valley Batter's Box
NSA Baseball:
Heritage Park
Arroyo Grande Sports Complex
Burkholder Park
Vegas Valley Batter's Box
NSA Strength:
Tim Soder Physical Therapy Southwest and Southeast locations
Q: How do I Order Uniforms?
You can visit our Gear tab located in the menu bar.
You can also visit and head to "Team Gear" to find more of our products relating to apparel and equipment.
Q: Do teams travel or play in competitive tournaments?
Yes, our teams are consitently playing in competitive tournaments and will travel at the discretion of the coches scheduled tournaments. Contact your coach for more information on tournament schedules.